Fact of the Week: 400 microbusinesses from Zahleh and the Beqaa are currently receiving in-kind grant assistance and/or trainings under the “Darb el Najah” Hub initiative funded by USAID – US Agency for International Development under the The Livelihoods and Inclusive Finance Expansion project – LIFE project. The initiative boasts three organizations working collaboratively in the Beqaa including the Entrepreneurial Development Foundation (EDF), the Michel Daher Social Foundation (MDSF); and The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Zahle and the Beqaa (CCIAZ). Under the trainings, microbusinesses were introduced to the use of social media, online branding and marketing, online customer service, and the means to access microfinance. Through this support, microbusinesses will be able to generate a better income and be more resilient in the face of current challenges, including the #COVID-19 and economic crises.