The Phoenix project launched under the Livelihoods and Inclusive Finance Expansion (LIFE) Funded by USAID and implemented by EDF Entrepreneurial Development Foundation came as a response to the depressed economic situation in the country, specifically the North Bekaa—a region that plays an important role in supporting the national economy. The Phoenix Project targeted 150 Micro and small businesses in North Bekaa villages: Qaa, Ras Baalbek, Fekeha, Jabboule, Al Ain, Arsal Der El Ahmar, Bechwat, Ainatat, Chlifa, Zrazir, Barqa, Safra, Nabha,…
This initiative focused on teaching business crisis management skills as well as capturing the positive results that could be derived from facilitating linkages between rural production and the potential demand in urban areas (utilizing Social Media platforms as efficient and effective marketing tools) which together can help mitigate the negative economic impact of the Syrian crisis in neighboring Syria in 2011 and the October 17th, 2019 financial crisis.
It is further anticipated that any economic improvement will help stabilize the region and deter any future conflict stemming from the major siege of August 2nd, 2014 by Syrian militants, often referred to as “the Battle of Arsal”.